Court Watch cheered the announcement that the Human Rights Campaign will use its incredible advocacy skills to help push for tighter controls on guns. Court Watch is also focused on gun violence as part of our mission, and was proud to be cited in Tuesday’s Washington Post for our report that inspired gun legislation in Annapolis this past session. We haven’t given up, and we’re already having an impact.
This week a judge in a civil protective order session in Silver Spring District Court announced from the bench at the outset that anyone subject to a civil protective order cannot possess a firearm. He reminded one petitioner of that fact, after she described being choked, knocked against a wall, and subjected to attempted rape. She was granted a temporary protective order.
Court Watch is proud of the work we do. We were again reminded by news this week that domestic violence cuts across all socioeconomic lines (e.g., the arrest of the “Kane Show” DJ, and the Castillo conviction in VA). There is much more work to be done.